Monday, 23 November 2009

Distribution and Marketing

Marketing Campaign

Slumdog Millionaire was released as a mainstream film. It was released in cinemas all over England and the world which means that the producers and directors must have had trust that the film was going to be a big hit and the cinemas. The budget for the film was £8 million. It was produced as an art-based film but the more it got shown the public made it become a mainstream film. The public and film makers didn't have a high expectation for the film so they only released it in a number of cinemas. After the film being out a while the producers realized that it was a big hit and made it a mainstream film. Slumdog Millionaire crossed over from being a art-house film to a mainstream film.
The director of Slumdog Millionaire is Danny Boyal. They choose him to give interviews, radio and magazine interviews because he has directed other films that had been a success. This would draw the public into watching the interviews and reading the magazine articles and they are more than likely to want to go and watch the film. This is another good way to get the public to know about the film and go and watch it. They may ask other people if they have heard about it and persuade them to watch the film as well.
The film was advertised on TV and radio. The public that hear about the film may spread the word to other people and then the film is spread around my word of mouth.

Target Audience

Slumdog millionaire was released in the UK on the 9th January 2008. Slumdog was released at the beginning of the year and as there are not many films released at this time, this means people would go to see it. The film would stick in peoples minds that they had seen it as there is not much else to go and see at the cinema.

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